The Boghall Drop in Centre is a small grassroots charity that works with the local community to make a difference to the lives of those around us.  It is our goal to work to identify the current needs in the community and work to find services or partner agencies to help address them.   The goal is to be part of the communities support mechanisms so they know what is available if they need us.

We could not be prouder that Victoria was chosen to meet with the queen to thank her for all the work she has helped the BDIC to achieve. Victoria is always behind the scenes and came up with our covid projects. Victoria's creativity, kindness and guidance makes her volunteering a lifeline to small grassroot charities like ours.

The Community Wing has free internet and WIFI access thanks to funding from West Lothian Council.  This free internet is open to everyone to access from West Lothian and can be used to job search, complete course work or to socialise.  There is no log in or need to register.   Just call staff to check if there is a free computer you can use.

As a Community charity we aim to help design and deliver services that meet any gaps in our community.  The youth and child groups delivered by the Boghall Drop in Centre were designed after parents and children reported a lack of any child clubs in Boghall.

If you would like to start a community group or think the area needs something that is not currently available then please get in touch and we will work together where possible to find a solution.

Huge thank you to Victoria, Graham, Denise, Rose Marie, Kelly, Erin, Adam, Zara, Caitlin, Emma and Nicola for taking part in the Edinburgh Kiltwalk.   


You managed to raise between you all £2,926.00 which the amazing Tom Hunter Foundation topped up - Giving us an outstanding £4,389.00 towards taking our young people to Dalguise for a weekend with PGL.  This money allowed us to take 32 young people to PGL Dalguise for a weekend of team building, confidence building and lets not forget fun! 


This does not include the awesome Bingo night or brilliant Race Night funds.


Which you all supported us with so thank you all for helping our little charity.