Have a spare five minutes why not browse through the charities blog posts.   These are writtten by our volunteers.  

Chicken Dinner Food Challenge
2023-01-25 Our Volunteers have started a Food Challenge Friday.   Each week they will take a new challenge and find recipes and meals to create worimg in the challneg criteria.    This challenge was to use the...
Dinner and Dessert Challenge
2022-12-08 Today we accepted a food chalennge issued by the Boghall Drop in Centre(BDIC) to create a dinner and dessert for a family of four using only what we could get from the Big Deals 19 community shop.   ...
My Volunteering Journey
2022-08-29 A few years ago I found myself at a loose end and decided to take a visit to our local Community Wing.   I was a bit scared as I didn’t know what to expect.   My mental health and my physical health...
Why I Volunteer
2022-04-13 Why I love volunteering at The Boghall Drop in Centre! – Blair    The reason I like to volunteer at The Boghall Drop is because you get to meet new people, help the community, and do cool stuff!   ...